Official Website of Nusantara Infrastructure

Official Website of Nusantara Infrastructure

PT Nusantara Infrastructure required a website that has the prerequisites of a standard public company website development that refers to government...

Hospital Information System – Application Development

Hospital Information System – Application Development

The solution we provide is continuous development, starting from the development of eMR sub-applications for Outpatient installations, online...

Official Website of Diametral Involute

Official Website of Diametral Involute

PT Diametral Involute is a manufacturing and machining company that focuses on producing high quality metal mechanical parts and automotive parts.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Learning Management System (LMS)

LMS application is a digital platform that functions as an online learning media. It is developed using moodle, an open-source learning management...

Official Website of Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance

Official Website of Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance

PT Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance Tbk (MTWI) established in 1952 previously named PT Asuransi Wuwungan, is one of the oldest general insurance...

Official Website  of HiLo

Official Website of HiLo

HiLo is a widely recognized brand of high calcium low fat milk in Indonesia produced by PT Nutrifood Indonesia. In digital era, the Hilo brand has...

Official Website of Tropicana Slim

Official Website of Tropicana Slim

Tropicana Slim is a brand with sugar-free and low-fat products that are widely recognized in Indonesia produced by PT Nutrifood Indonesia. In this...

Product Information

Product Information

PT Bayer Indonesia needs an official website that has a modern look and is supported by a secure and reliable CMS.

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